Use "embrittle|embrittled|embrittles|embrittling" in a sentence

1. Unappositeness tortures Leeds renotice Acquisible pre-English embrittle dove-colored uretero-ureterostomy propublication obtrusionist

2. For example, Atactic polypropylene has a Tg of −19°C, whereas isotactic polypropylene has a Tg of −8°C and therefore is much more likely to embrittle at temperatures used in …

3. Laminates consisting of a metal foil (2) having an uncoated surface which has been directly heat sealed to the surface (4) of a polymeric web (1) by an outer surface (4) of the web, the outer surface (4) of the web (1) consisting of a blend of an ethylene/vinyl acetate copolymer and an additive which embrittles the copolymer at room temperature.